Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

WATCH | New ballistics experts takes the stand

File: Cocaine with razor blade and bank note.
The Colchester clinic in the Eastern Cape is dilapidated, with a collapsed ceiling, shattered windows and no doors.

PRETORIA – Two more ballistic experts will be called in the Senzo Meyiwa murder trial.
It follows the court’s approval of a defence application.
The experts were part of a group that conducted a microscopic confirmation of Chris Mangena’s findings.
He linked a firearm seized from Mthobisi Mncube to Meyiwa’s murder.
Mangena determined that a bullet found at the crime scene was fired from his gun.
It comes as the state had intended to call its last witness, Bongani Gininda, to the stand.
